Meet Our Professionals

Meredith Cully

Marketing Manager
Columbia | 803.253.8654

At Parker Poe Consulting, Meredith Cully is the marketing manager responsible for developing and implementing marketing and communication strategies. She oversees the creation of marketing materials, client follow-up, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) management, and the group’s online presence.

Meredith brings more than 20 years of marketing experience to the firm. In prior roles, she served as the communications director and outreach coordinator of Saxe Gotha Presbyterian Church in Lexington, SC. In that role, she helped create and design weekly publications, email newsletters, and year-end reports as well as coordinate advertising in magazines, local papers, news and radio stations, and on billboards. In addition, she managed the redevelopment and rebranding of the church’s website and helped maintain its social media pages.

Meredith has also served as vice president of marketing for an agency based in Columbia as well as the marketing director at the South Carolina Department of Commerce. Her experience includes brand development, leading marketing strategic direction, and coordinating events.

Meredith has a Master of Business Administration from Winthrop University. She earned her undergraduate degree in marketing from Clemson University.


  • SC Executive Leadership Program
  • SC Economic Development School
  • South Carolina Economic Developer’s Association (SCEDA), Past Member